Firm's Partner Speaks at the Construction Claims & ADR Conference Marathon 2024
May 16, 2024
Event Recap

Our Firm's Partner, Ms Dawn Wong, participated in the Construction Claims & ADR Conference Marathon 2024 on 16.5.2024. The Conference holds the distinct honour of being the "Longest Non-Stop Virtual Construction & ADR Conference" in the Malaysia Book of Records.

Dawn spoke in Session 3 entitled "Termination of Construction Contracts - The Do's and Don'ts", which was expertly moderated by Justice Dato' Aliza Sulaiman. Her distinguished co-panellists were Ms Diana Rahman, Ms Lynnda Lim, and Mr Wilson Ho.

The speakers canvassed a wide range of topics from termination notice provisions to the status of construction assets on site in a post-termination scenario, and shared practical tips on navigating an often fraught and high-octane period in a project's lifecycle.

The Firm extends its gratitude to Ms Cindy Wong of L2 i-CON International for the opportunity.

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